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Programme for the WBCT Session at D.A.F. 2019 now available!

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29 March 2019

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Kongress am Park, Augsburg, Germany

Saal baramundi

If you plan to attend the German Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (DAF) 2019 Congress in Augsburg, then this is an ideal opportunity to hear about the latest Weight Bearing CT topics during our session as part of the scientific congress programme.

Check out the agenda below to see what's in store:


Prof. Dr. Martinus Richter

Dr. Francois Lintz

Weight Bearinng CT

Vorsitz: F. Lintz, St.-Jean, M. Richter, Schwarzenbrück

Evidence of WBCT Measurements

M. Richter, Schwarzenbrück

Comparison of anatomical Tibia-Hindfoot-Alignment (THA) and Oxford-Foot-Model marker-set (OFM) measurement in full weight-bearing CT (WBCT) - effect of adjustment in the static model

M. Wachowsky, Schwarzenbrück

3D mapping of the joint spaces in the foot and ankle under load

F. Lintz, St.-Jean

Weightbearing CT analysis of chronic lateral ankle instability – A multivariate study of 124 feet

F. Lintz, St.-Jean

Planning in Ankle Fractures

S. Ochman, Münster

Osteotomy planing – Work flow and cases

S. Wirth, Zürich

Results of a 5 year, 10,000 scans experience with Weight-Bearing CT. Impact on costs, radiation exposure and time spent

M. Richter, Schwarzenbrück

For more information on D.A.F. 2019, please visit:

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